
Vacay preview

Here's a sneak peak of my family trip to Washington DC:

The Lincoln Memorial
The Hope Diamond
African Bush elephant in the rotunda of the Museum of Natural Science
An etching of words Lincoln spoke
The Washington Monument


the view from here

the horses where I nanny
morning in the dining room at the Athenaeum Hotel 
six mix 
voodoo doughnuts all the way from Portland Oregon
wild red raspberries


free time?

I can't believe we're almost through July. Where on earth did it go?? Going into this summer I thought for sure that I'd have some extra time on my hands to relax and sew and relax. So far that hasn't been the case. The hotel alone consumes even my days off. I've done a few projects that I'll hopefully be able to put up here soon but not nearly as many as I wanted to do. It makes me sad!! On the other hand there's definitely no time for boredom. So I guess it's not all bad.

Also on a positive note, I'll be joining my family on a trip to Arlington VA this weekend. A few months ago my great uncle passed away and had chosen to be buried in the National Cemetery. So this weekend we're going down for that. The D.C. area is one of my favorite places ever so I'm pretty excited not only to have some time off but to be in my favorite place with some of my favorite people. If we're really lucky maybe I'll have time to post pictures of the trip too!! A girl can dream.


To: My Eventual Last Boyfriend

Let me apologize in advance for some of the men before you. Not all were bad, but not all were right either. The reason for this? 
For most of my life I didn't believe you existed. And part of me is still skeptical. But more and more I feel myself wanting you to be out there, which makes me start to believe that you are. It's a strange feeling but I'm learning to embrace it little by little. 
So please don't let me down.
And I'll try to do the same by keeping the wrong men to a minimum.

Ever Yours,
Your Last Girlfriend