
how Sarah got her groove back

March has been a pretty crazy month and there's been so much to talk about but I haven't been feeling so inspired to write a lot lately. I'm not sure why. I feel like it's taken me this month to really get in the groove of both my schedules and get on top of my finances. This last week I've finally felt like I'm in that space. My body has adjusted to my crazy sleep schedule somewhat and I really feel like I can be on top of all the other things in my life too. It feels good. I budget my money each week, I buy groceries to make myself lunches for work, I keep up on my laundry and am paying my bills on time.

The pieces have all fallen into place. It puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. I can't help but feel like I'm in a place in my life that I've always wanted to be in. I've never had my own apartment or payed rent or utilities and such. Now I do all those things and it feels so...natural and comfortable. Like I'm really taking care of myself in a way I've been needing to. Like I'm....dare I say it....an adult(ish)??!! Sure I've been paying bills since I got my first job at 16 but this is different. I've turned into a bit of a different person since moving here. I cook. Not just microwaving some ramen (although it is still a staple at times) but actually using the stove! And I'm not even that bad at it either. My roommate hasn't died yet so that's gotta be a good thing!

The only part of my life that hasn't been nurtured lately is my crafty side. I haven't knitted in over a month and I feel pretty sad about it. It just seems that when I do have free time I'm either resting or cleaning or catching up on something else. My craftiness is obviously a huge part of me so I know I need to find a way to start making time for it too. I know I can't be all work and no play. That's not my bag baby!

On another super exciting note, my Justin Madison Walker will be here in three days! It's been over a year since his brothers wedding which means it's been over a year since we've seen each other. No bueno. So obviously I'm thrilled that not only will he be here for a week but I will be going to Alabama for his sisters wedding at the end of May as well. Everything is just better when he's around so I'm hoping these couple days fly by as quickly as possible.

SO hopefully these feelings of settling-ness will mean more writing here. I did turn 26 somewhere in the last month and it was a pretty great time so I plan on sharing all about it soon.


Oh hey March

So nice to see you again!

So far this lovely month has brought me one thing. A cold. My first of 2013. It's been a pretty mild one though, so I can't really complain (knock on wood). A few sneezes and snuffles never killed anybody...did it? DID IT????

I'm looking forward to this month this year! I think it's going to be a great time to really get some foundation made for my new life here in the city. Since moving here I can't help but feel like the last couple months were a whirlwind and almost like a "blue-print" phase. Figuring out logistics, getting familiar with the location, making sure the ducks were in a row. Let me tell you, those ducks can really be feisty sometimes. A few months of a tornado and then letting the dust settle.

Now, looking at the month ahead, I'm seeing things much clearer.  I have jobs that I can work enough hours at. I've come up with a really smart budget(I think) to make sure that none of my bills are falling to the way side. It seems as though making budgets is fun to me now so I'm actually looking forward to keeping track of my income. I wonder is that's a mid-20's thing. My tax refund and my wonderful dad were a huge help in getting me out of the debt hole I had fallen into when I moved.  I'm making some great new friends and getting closer to the ones I already knew. Paying attention to the foods I'm eating is something I've started to do seriously too. Don't be mistaken, I will always have a serious sweet tooth that needs attention, but I'm becoming much more aware of how many carbs I eat and how little protein my diet usually contains. At work I order my cheeseburger without the huge bun and opt for a side salad instead of my favorite fries. (They're just so darn good!!)

With all this change and clarity happening I can't help but feel like March is going to be great! And if the weather starts getting better then that will make it even sweeter.

Woo March! Bring it!