

The biggest thing that has happened these past couple weeks didn't even really happen in these past couple weeks. It was merely announced to the public. I'm officially going to be Auntie Sarah. That's right folks, my sister and brother are expecting their first child. It's funny that as I type this my eyes are welling up...something that hasn't happened since the day they told me. I'm just so happy for them and for my sister especially. If you should know anything about Cassie (Trostle) Jindra it's that she was put on this earth to be a mother. Having children is not a marital duty for her, it's a personal necessity....something to make her truly complete. So knowing that it's happening for her, really happening, fills me with so much joy that it seems to squeak out of my eyes at times. Then add to that the fact that this will officially make me someones Aunt...happiness overflow.

The one thing that saddens me about this glorious event is that I live as far away as I do. I never had to give much thought to the idea of my niece or nephew growing up and not really knowing who I was. It always seemed like a distant idea. But now it's here. I know technology is great for staying in touch and skype is a wonderful tool for that, but it's just not the same as being there in person to see the cute facial expressions and hear the baby noises first hand.  And what about cousins?? I'm not having children anytime soon so who knows how much older this child will be by the time I get around to making my own. The thought of mine and my sisters kids not being able to get along because of their age difference is sad. Cousins are an awesome thing to have and they can even act as extended siblings. Will mine and Cassie's kids have that kind of relationship? On April 13, 2014 I'd have to say probably not. And that makes me sad. More so for our kids than for me. Maybe these are things I shouldn't worry about too much but when you're one and only sister gets pregnant for the first time, it happens.

Of course this also means that I will have LOTS of baby knitting to do! Chickpea (as we're affectionately calling him/her) will need a good amount of handmade things from Auntie Sarah and so far I've already picked our patterns and yarn for an adorable baby blanket as well as the cutest hedgehog sweater in all the land(my sister has a pet hedgehog...my first nephew Huckleberry). Chickpea will be the cutest thing in the world! I'm actually really excited to get into making baby things. They're just so cute!

All of our lives are about to change come September and it's going to be absolutely thrilling. I can't wait to meet this little Chickpea and be a part of his/her life. And until I meet a wonderful man I may or may not use Chickpea for a little advertisement. Can you blame me??

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