
the d word


there. I said it.  I shuttered a little. but I said it.

I am on a diet.

My usual outlook on food and fitness is, work out often and eat what you like. And this usually works fairly well for me. But for the last couple months I've noticed that it hasn't exactly been working out, mostly because I don't get to work out as often as usual. To make matters worse, I have a nasty habit of eating way too much, like past the point of full too much. It's not good. And I love to snack...and snack.....and snack. All in all I was spending my days snacking, never actually feeling hungry, and of course, eating all the wrong things. And since I continued to eat however I liked, I could start to see the consequences. I wasn't getting fat by any means, but I could definitely see things starting to change, and not in a way that I liked. 

No Bueno.

So I decided that something needed to be done about it. I've done the Special K diet before so I thought would do it again. The idea of having a set plan with certain things to eat really works for me because if given the choice between a cheeseburger or a protein shake, I'M GONNA CHOOSE THE CHEESEBURGER. Simple as that.

Two weeks in and I think I'm starting to see some results. It's been one of those "one good choice leads to another" kind of things too. My none special k meals each day have been fairly healthy and if they're not I'm not eating like there's no tomorrow. I drink a lot of water. And now that my one job is winding down I can get the gym more often. Three pounds in two weeks....I can handle that. More importantly though, I see myself learning to have self control about eating and food and that's what I really want to gain. So when I feel like I can go off the diet I'm ready to continue the idea of eating good things, and eating in moderation. To me that's much more valuable than losing weight.

So wish me luck. Lately I've been feeling good mentally about it which makes me very vulnerable to cheating and eating naughty things. But I'm determined to stick with this. My body deserves it!!

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