
The Alex Beanie

This year I decided that I would make some winter hats as Christmas gifts for the folks I work with at the wine store! The yarn shop I work at had just gotten in some really great chunky yarn that came in the most magnificent colors so I just knew it would be perfect to use for some hats. I thoughtfully chose a different color that I thought would compliment each of my co-workers. I took into consideration their skin tones, winter coat colors, and favorite sports teams...it was a process I took very seriously.

And because I wanted these hats to be just right and made with love and intention I decided to go ahead and make my own pattern for them! I wanted a pattern that I could knit on the subway and that looked good on a man or a woman. And since the yarn is so beautiful I knew the pattern wouldn't need a lot of detail.

So, after a few trials, frogging, and re-knitting I came up with a hat that fit all my criteria! And since I'm such a swell gal I thought I'd share the pattern with all you folks! I give you...

The Alex Beanie

            - 1 skein of Malabrigo Mecha
            - 16" size US9 Circular Needle
            - Stitch Marker
            - Tapestry Needle 

16 stitches = 4 inches in Stockinette 

Cast On 80 stitches and join in the round

K4, P4 in Rib Stitch until the piece measures 7 1/2 inches from beg.

Decreases for cap: 
Row 1: (K2Tog, K2Tog, P4) Repeat to the end of the round (60sts)
Rows 2-4: (K2, P4) Repeat to the end of the round
Row 5: (K2, P2Tog, P2Tog) Repeat to the end of the round(40sts)
Rows 6-8: (K2, P2) for 3 rows
Row 9: (K2Tog, P2Tog) Repeat to the end of the round(20sts)
Row 10: (K1, P1) Repeat to the end of the round

Cut a long tail and weave it through the remaining stitches.
Weave in all ends.

I hope you enjoy making this hat! It's quick, easy, and makes a great gift for anyone...even yourself! 


  1. Some day when you're home for a visit, I want a SERIOUS knitting instruction session! I need assistance getting past just garter stitch and knit 2 pearl 2 on straight needles. (yesterday Jonathan said to me: "remember when you used to knit?" - so I'm on a mission!!!)

    I can pay you in wine while we work, and crochet lessons ;-)

  2. You've got yourself a deal ma'am! I just figured out how to crochet a thumb closed and it was the most awkward thing ever haha I could certainly use a lesson...or 10!
