Like my mood blanket! Needless to say, 2014 has officially come to a close and while I'm not a whole year behind, I need to catch up from September. I cringe at the word. This picture is quite dated from it's current state but still....I've got a ways to go. Did I mention that I haven't woven in 1 end?? Not 1. There are more than 365 ends to weave. I cry a little just thinking about it. ugh.
Then there's this super amazing shawl I've been working on. Again, the progress since this picture has been great, but I'm still not finished. I can't wait to have this beast of a shawl to wrap around myself and keep me toasty warm. Here's hoping I get to use it this winter....we'll see.

Then there is my mystery shawl KAL...the mystery of which has been revealed for months since I wasn't able to knit the clues as they were sent out. {palm to forehead}
This is merely a sampling of the things that need to be completed. I'm not proud of my irrational lack of self control when it comes to starting new projects but admitting it is the first step...right?? People change...right?? There's hope for me...RIGHT???? We'll see. I'm very determined to make this happen, even if it takes me more than a year, and hopefully putting it out into the world will be keep me more accountable to doing it. So every now and then I will try to post my most recent accomplishment here, and if a while goes by there's no harm in saying "Hey Sarah....hows are those WIPs coming along????". It takes a village.
I think WIPs are the "curse" of crafty people! My Resolution is to ONLY use yarn from my stash in 2015 (unless something is 1001% necessary to finish something I'm working on, that I can't make work with what I have instead) We're only 5 days in and it took a LOT to resist the temptation of "just looking" at yarn while out running errands yesterday, but I did it! Went home and crocheted with what I got! :-)