
sleep glorious sleep

Sleep is one of those things that we take for granted. It's not until after you can't seem to sleep through the night that you realize how wonderful sleep really is! For about 3 weeks now I've been unable to get a full nights rest. I go to bed at a decent hour feeling exhausted, sleep really great for about 4 hours, and then toss and turn for the rest of the morning. It's AWFUL. There's no other way to  put it.

So not only am I tired during the day now, but I'm getting snippy too. I'm starting to get irritated very easily and it's not good for those around me. There's no room for exhaustion or rudeness in any of my jobs. AND to make matters worse, so far any sleeping aids I've taken don't seem to work. I tried Melatonin and it didn't effect me at all. I tried a sleeping pill and all it did was make me twice as drowsy every time I woke up. I'm coming to the end of my rope. I. need. sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions or remedies? I prefer something natural but at this point I'm pretty much open to anything. I'm tired of feeling tired!

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