

Since it's thanksgiving and all, I thought it was only appropriate to list some of the things I'm thankful for.

-my loving and supportive family
-my freedom
-my wonderful, true friends
-hot chocolate
-having my best friend around again
-my 5 functioning senses
-Fiddler On The Roof (it's a Trostle thing haha)
-the men and women who have served and are still serving my country.

I could go and get to the knitty gritty but I'll spare you. I think what's most important about today is really looking at ones life and seeing the good. Instead of stressing about little things or dwelling on the negative we should all use today to really revel in the positive. And who knows....maybe it will feel so damn good that we'll start to do the same everyday....not just once a year.

Happy Thanksgiving

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