While working at the hotel yesterday I was standing at the front desk when a woman came over and stood near me. For some reason I glanced down at her finger and noticed her wedding ring. A simple gold band. No diamonds, no platinum, no "rock". It made me think about how people think about the symbol of a wedding ring these days.
Now, this obviously doesn't apply to all married/engaged couples, and it's strictly my opinion, but I can't help but feel like there is a correlation between the ring to long lasting marraige ratio that has changed from years past. So often I notice that the marriages that have lasted the longest don't carry the biggest rings. When people were getting engaged in those days it didn't matter so much about how many carats a ring was. The important thing was the commitment that the ring represented. Now a days I feel like most women are disappointed if their ring isn't visible from the moon...like the person giving it to them doesn't love them enough. And beyond that, if it's not something that their friends will oooh and aaah over then it's not worthy of their finger.
When did carats become a measurement of love?
And like I said, I know this doesn't pertain to a lot of people. I have a handful of friends who have really great committed marriages that come with big rocks too. If you have the means, by all means! I guess I just see too often that other people who are more concerned about how big their ring is, usually don't have marriages that last.
So as I looked at that simple gold band on the woman's finger, I decided, if and when I get engaged, I know it will be for the man, not for the ring. While it's a wonderful symbol of love and commitment, it doesn't make up for love and commitment if it's not already a part of a relationship.
I made one!
I decided that instead of moving away (location still TBD) right away in the fall, that I'm going to stay in town long enough to work at JCC again. They are doing Legally Blonde which for those of you that don't know, is a super huge Broadway show. I mean, it's B-I-G. Big sets, big costumes, big songs, and big dance numbers. Did I mention that it was big?? Oh and everything is PINK! So, so pink. It's gonna be rough but I'm really looking forward to the challenge.
I had been contemplating this decision for a while. The show runs into the second week of November, right before the holidays. The idea of staying here that long and having the holidays around the corner made me a little convinced that when the time came I would postpone my moving again. Which is not something I want. So a couple weeks ago my moms best friend was visiting and I explained my predicament to her. She looked at me and said "I don't think so". Just like that. She went on to say that knowing how I am and how determined I am to make this happen she doesn't believe that I will allow myself to get stuck and not make the move. She was the first person to say that to me. It was exactly what I needed. Just hearing her say that put my mind at ease and I knew she was right. I am extremely determined to take this big step so I have to believe that I won't let the pending holidays keep me from going through with it.

So the decision was made to stay for Legally Blonde. And if you see me wearing this shirt on a weekly basis, now you know why!
And if you're in town and want to get involved in some capacity, let me know! Any and all actors, helpers, etc are welcome!
I decided that instead of moving away (location still TBD) right away in the fall, that I'm going to stay in town long enough to work at JCC again. They are doing Legally Blonde which for those of you that don't know, is a super huge Broadway show. I mean, it's B-I-G. Big sets, big costumes, big songs, and big dance numbers. Did I mention that it was big?? Oh and everything is PINK! So, so pink. It's gonna be rough but I'm really looking forward to the challenge.
I had been contemplating this decision for a while. The show runs into the second week of November, right before the holidays. The idea of staying here that long and having the holidays around the corner made me a little convinced that when the time came I would postpone my moving again. Which is not something I want. So a couple weeks ago my moms best friend was visiting and I explained my predicament to her. She looked at me and said "I don't think so". Just like that. She went on to say that knowing how I am and how determined I am to make this happen she doesn't believe that I will allow myself to get stuck and not make the move. She was the first person to say that to me. It was exactly what I needed. Just hearing her say that put my mind at ease and I knew she was right. I am extremely determined to take this big step so I have to believe that I won't let the pending holidays keep me from going through with it.

So the decision was made to stay for Legally Blonde. And if you see me wearing this shirt on a weekly basis, now you know why!
And if you're in town and want to get involved in some capacity, let me know! Any and all actors, helpers, etc are welcome!
so fresh and so clean clean
I did it. I made the leap and combined my 2 blogs. {cheers!}
It took a good deal of figuring and copy and pasting and changing around but I think I like what I've come up with. It's much more me. And now my craft blog won't be so left out of the loop, thank goodness.
Some things may still change in the next week or so but for the most part this blog will be about my life(still), which includes being a crafter! Why I every tried to separate the two, I will never know.
So yeah, join me on this new little adventure of mine. It should be a good one.
I did it. I made the leap and combined my 2 blogs. {cheers!}
It took a good deal of figuring and copy and pasting and changing around but I think I like what I've come up with. It's much more me. And now my craft blog won't be so left out of the loop, thank goodness.
Some things may still change in the next week or so but for the most part this blog will be about my life(still), which includes being a crafter! Why I every tried to separate the two, I will never know.
So yeah, join me on this new little adventure of mine. It should be a good one.
blog envy
I find myself having a serious case of blog envy lately. As I scroll through the blogs I follow on bloglovin' I read new posts and catch up on what's going on in their lives, the usual, but lately I've also been exploring their blogs too. But my exploring comes with a feeling of longing. I love the way those blogs look and more importantly, feel. They are simple and personal and unique to that person.
Then I look at my own blog. And while I like the way mine looks, I don't like it nearly as much. It doesn't feel like me. Parts of it do but it doesn't feel like a very strong identity. And I don't know how to fix that. The last thing I want to do is steal someone elses look or ideas. I want it to be my own. I want it to feel like me.
So I guess I'm trying to say that things may be changing around here. And not just the look of things. I think the direction of this blog needs to become clearer. So far it's been a lot about my opinions and thoughts. Who cares? Should I care if anyone cares? I don't know. I have another blog as well that I've been neglecting lately (mostly because I haven't had a lot of time to craft therefore nothing much to write about). Should I combine the two? Having them separate allows me to express two sides of myself separately as well so maybe it would be more difficult to combine them. I guess I've got to figure it out.
And to my fellow bloggers and non-bloggers even, if you have any suggestions or advice I'd really appreciate it. What are your tricks and tips? What editing programs/sites do you like to use? I'm not the most technological so all help is welcome!
Thanks friends
Then I look at my own blog. And while I like the way mine looks, I don't like it nearly as much. It doesn't feel like me. Parts of it do but it doesn't feel like a very strong identity. And I don't know how to fix that. The last thing I want to do is steal someone elses look or ideas. I want it to be my own. I want it to feel like me.
So I guess I'm trying to say that things may be changing around here. And not just the look of things. I think the direction of this blog needs to become clearer. So far it's been a lot about my opinions and thoughts. Who cares? Should I care if anyone cares? I don't know. I have another blog as well that I've been neglecting lately (mostly because I haven't had a lot of time to craft therefore nothing much to write about). Should I combine the two? Having them separate allows me to express two sides of myself separately as well so maybe it would be more difficult to combine them. I guess I've got to figure it out.
And to my fellow bloggers and non-bloggers even, if you have any suggestions or advice I'd really appreciate it. What are your tricks and tips? What editing programs/sites do you like to use? I'm not the most technological so all help is welcome!
Thanks friends
the next month
I can't believe it's already June. wth! It snuck up on me today when I was looking at Caden's school calendar to see then he would start summer break. As I found the date a voice in my head said "Hey, after June comes July". Now I know that seems fairly obvious but this July is going to be a little different from my past two.
Starting July 1st I will no longer be a full time nanny. I'll still be part time to help out with chores and entertaining the kids so our mom-to-be can rest or get other things done easier. But I won't be there every day. It's scary just typing it. This is what I've known for almost 2 years now and the idea of not seeing these kids as often is really starting to affect me. Deep down I know it's my time to move on and get my life back on track, but boy am I going to miss them. {The tears are welling} I've watched them both grow up so much and Mikenna and I have become particularly close. We went to Pre-K this year and what a blessing that has been as well. Tomorrow is our last day and I'm really sad about it. I've come to know the other women in the class and really enjoy their opinions and input. It's as if this is my last month in high school again and everything is important to take in and remember forever.
Beyond all these emotional feelings, this next month will have some big decisions in it as well. I still haven't heard from any theatres about a job which means Plan B will shortly be in affect. The biggest problem with that being.....I NEED to pick a place to move to. There are a few places on the table: NYC, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Charlotte and the front runners. All places where I have friends, all places with plenty of theatres. Decisions decisions. The thing that makes is somewhat difficult to choose is, I don't really know how to set them apart or rank them really. Sure some would be more expensive than others or seem more dangerous but I don't want those to be factors in my choice. So I guess I need to figure out what DOES factor into making my choice. Maybe that will be what June is for. Deciding what it is that I'm looking for in a location. Figuring out which place will best fit me and vice versa.
just a couple of clowns |
Beyond all these emotional feelings, this next month will have some big decisions in it as well. I still haven't heard from any theatres about a job which means Plan B will shortly be in affect. The biggest problem with that being.....I NEED to pick a place to move to. There are a few places on the table: NYC, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Charlotte and the front runners. All places where I have friends, all places with plenty of theatres. Decisions decisions. The thing that makes is somewhat difficult to choose is, I don't really know how to set them apart or rank them really. Sure some would be more expensive than others or seem more dangerous but I don't want those to be factors in my choice. So I guess I need to figure out what DOES factor into making my choice. Maybe that will be what June is for. Deciding what it is that I'm looking for in a location. Figuring out which place will best fit me and vice versa.
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