
What's so great about you anyway??

When you think about YOU what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it something negative or critical? If so, CUT IT OUT! Instead ask yourself "what's great about me?" and the answer is NOT allowed to be "nothing". If you don't know that there are great things about you then no one else will know them either. Are you creative or thoughtful? Do you have a great ass or perfect teeth? It doesn't matter what it is, just find it and know it! There's a huge difference between being cocky/full of yourself and having self-assurance. Being full of yourself just makes you ugly on the inside and outside. But self confidence can really take you places. AND it's contagious.
So ask yourself, right now, "What's so great about me?" and then answer yourself. You don't have to tell anyone, just yourself, and really believe it. Loving yourself is the first step to letting someone else love you too!

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