When last Friday rolled around I couldn't help but have this sense of awesomeness about the weekend. Something inside me said "ya know what Sarah, you're probably not going to sleep a lot, but it will be totally worth it". And I'm glad to say I WAS RIGHT! Regardless of the fact that I worked all weekend, it was still a pretty wonderful couple of days. And well needed to say the least.
Now, I'm not going to list every detail of my loooong weekend but I will say this, it was so great to get to know new people, sit on the swing with my poppop, lounge around on a boat, and have 2 whole days off from work. All things that I haven't had time for lately with my 3 jobs using up all my time.
it's a long story and luckily it wasn't MY shoe! |
-My summer job is as a head hostess at on old wooden hotel. It's my 3rd season there and there are a few of us who keep returning and have known each other for these past years. There are also a lot of new people every summer which makes the month of May similar to the first day of school. Everyone's trying to remember names and figure out who they will get along with or butt heads with. It's exciting! Some people are local, some are from different continents all together! Last year I got to meet the bellmen that work at the hotel and I'm so grateful I did. They are honestly some of the best men I know, but more about them later. This year I've been hanging around in the kitchen more. Some of the guys back there have worked there just as long as I have and I'm almost ashamed that I hadn't gotten to know them yet. SO, as I said, I've been going out of my way to fix this. And again, I find myself being totally in awe of the group of people I've met. Most of them are my age and have accomplished and done amazing things! And to make it even sweeter, they are just down right NICE PEOPLE. One could pass as my brother, which we often try to do at the bars, one is 23 and is already receiving awards that chefs work towards their entire lives, and another one graduated from a local high school and happens to know all my buddies{ironical? I think so!} AND lived in France for 7 months . Needless to say, the summer season isn't even half over and I'm so grateful for getting know them already. I can only look forward to the fun times that are in store. In this part of NY especially it seems very difficult to meet interesting and genuinely good people to spend time with. I honestly couldn't be more pleased and just...happy.
-Two years ago we lost my grandmother after she went through chemo for a brain tumor. It was a huge loss to our family and left my poppop alone in the house that they shared. My aunt and dad would be sure to check on him often and be around to make sure he was alright. Last July 4th weekend, my aunt passed away suddenly. There was no real explanation for her death but it was all too soon to losing my grandmother and it was a huge blow to our family. I had moved home weeks before it happened so I was glad to be here to check in on my poppop still and just be with him. Needless to say, life and jobs tend to get in the way, so I don't get to spend as much time with him as I'd like. So on Tuesday I went to visit him. It was so peaceful to just sit on the swing with him and enjoy the beautiful weather. He isn't a big conversation maker so there were a few long pauses but I really didn't seem to mind as much as I tend to. It was just nice to have it be he and I, drinking tea, feet in the grass. It was nice to have the time to make for him and I'm so glad I did.
the guys |
-As I said earlier, the bellmen I work with at the hotel are a top-notch group of fellows. Maybe it's a bellman thing, I don't know, but these guys are some of the funnest and nicest I know and I love spending time with them (even if it gets in into trouble at work sometimes). So when I was invited by them to spend a day on the lake I obviously jumped at the opportunity. It was almost therapeutic to be on the water with such great vibes from such great people. How did I get so fortunate?? Good people, good beers, AND a boat? I can't imagine a better day off. It was just what the doctor ordered.
Chautauqua Lake |
I can honestly say that this was the best 4th of July weekend I've had in a long time, if not ever, and the rest of July's weekends have some serious work to do if they want to compare. I didn't have a voice for any of it and could have used a lot more sleep than I got, but it was so worth the time I got to spend with the new and old people in my life.
I'm truly, truly grateful.
For America.
For Friends.
For Freedom.
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