When I walked out the door this morning, jacket on and tea in hand, I couldn't help but notice how perfect the weather was. Yeah there were clouds in the sky and rain in the distance, but there was a briskness to the temperature. Not to warm, not to cold, but just right to be comfortable in my light jacket. It was so Fall.
Being in Florida for 5 years I never realized how much I missed Fall. Even though I was here last year too I don't think I took enough time to really enjoy it. I was too busy being hurt by the situations in my life and trying to deal with them. Now, a year later, I find myself really looking around, breathing in deeply, and looking at the leaves as they change color. It's truly beautiful. I don't think I ever want to live in a place without Fall again, for an extended period of time at least.
yay Fall!
fall fest
Last weekend was one big fall celebration! Chautauqua Institution has it's annual Fall Fest/Quilt Around Chautauqua which is basically a quilt show combined with a number of other vendors and food carts to be had. There was kettle corn, and pumpkins, and crafts galore! I only wish I had had more time to see everything and really enjoy it. Alas, I was working all weekend. I did however get a chance to visit some of the quilt vendors with my sister after work on Sunday. It was so nice to have a few hours with her just to be silly and enjoy each other. Here is more about the quilts I liked on my other blog.
Before I wrap things up take a look at these!
One of the girls I work with does these! Aren't they just incredible?! I love the Jack pumpkin. The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies!
Before I wrap things up take a look at these!
One of the girls I work with does these! Aren't they just incredible?! I love the Jack pumpkin. The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite movies!
Oh hello childhood! There you are!! I've missed you so!
Gosh I just love Pumpkin things! Mmmm Mmmm Mmmmm!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Quilt Around Chautauqua
This past weekend the annual Quilt Around Chautauqua/Fall Festival was held at Chautauqua Institution. Since I work there I couldn't wait to spend the weekend surrounded by quilters and their gorgeous creations! And boy was I not disappointed. The quality and craftsmanship that was on display was like nothing I'd ever seen. And there were SO many! The Festival was spread throughout the Institute in 10 buildings, each dedicated to a guild or two. The hotel I work at fed nearly 300 people per meal and housed 250! I've never been around so many quilters in my life.
It was impossible NOT to feel inspired by the work I saw. The patterns and color choices and variations of different ideas; truly awesome. My sister and I literally walked from quilt to quilt doing the "oohs and ahhs" and pointing out the ones we loved (my sisters boyfriends followed along, putting his input in from time to time. such a good sport). What was even more fun was running into a lot of the ladies that we quilt with, many of whom knew our grandmother. It's always a pleasure to chat and catch up with them. Cassie and I aren't sure if we'll be able to make it to the retreat this fall so we've already decided that if we can't we'll just have our own retreat and visit the ladies at the camp. It will be fun regardless.
So here are some of my favorites from the show. I hope your enjoy them and are inspired as well!
It was impossible NOT to feel inspired by the work I saw. The patterns and color choices and variations of different ideas; truly awesome. My sister and I literally walked from quilt to quilt doing the "oohs and ahhs" and pointing out the ones we loved (my sisters boyfriends followed along, putting his input in from time to time. such a good sport). What was even more fun was running into a lot of the ladies that we quilt with, many of whom knew our grandmother. It's always a pleasure to chat and catch up with them. Cassie and I aren't sure if we'll be able to make it to the retreat this fall so we've already decided that if we can't we'll just have our own retreat and visit the ladies at the camp. It will be fun regardless.
So here are some of my favorites from the show. I hope your enjoy them and are inspired as well!
a wall of fall! |
on of my favorites! I SO want to make a Halloween something! |
tooooo cute! |
PUMPKINS!! yay |
My Friend Kim and her friend made these! | They bought one cut of each fabric and divied them up! |
these colors are to die for and I LOVE the snail trail pattern. |
Chautauqua Institution,
quilt show
would anyone like to pay off my school loans?? I would really like to live my life to the fullest. But instead I'm being held back by a mountain of loans that I probably won't see the end of until I'm 50. Yes, 50. Depressing isn't it? And somehow working 2 jobs barely covers it. How is that even possible?
So maybe when I'm 50 I'll be able to get out there and use my degree again or maybe even move out of my parents house.
A girl can dream.
ok...vent over. thank you much.
So maybe when I'm 50 I'll be able to get out there and use my degree again or maybe even move out of my parents house.
A girl can dream.
ok...vent over. thank you much.
I know I've been pretty sparse in my posting lately but it's for good reason! I've been working on a few gifts lately so I can't go posting pictures of them for all to see! That would ruin all the fun. BUT I will say that I'm almost done with them so once they are given I will be able to show them off here.
I haven't been a total waste of space!
In other news, my sewing station has been all packed up for my moms house warming party this weekend I simply can not wait to get it all out next week and work on some projects. I've been over flowing with creative ideas lately that I'm thrilled to finally try. It should be good stuff.
So be patient and stay tuned my loves. I promise as soon as I can show you the goods I will!
I haven't been a total waste of space!
In other news, my sewing station has been all packed up for my moms house warming party this weekend I simply can not wait to get it all out next week and work on some projects. I've been over flowing with creative ideas lately that I'm thrilled to finally try. It should be good stuff.
So be patient and stay tuned my loves. I promise as soon as I can show you the goods I will!
latest web discoveries
Lately I've been wanting to do nothing more than to spend time exploring the internet. I'm not really sure why.
But in my current online cravings I've come across some pretty sweet things!
The first site I found was Pinterest. Now at first glance I had trouble really seeing the different between Pinterest and Polyvore. Both seemed to be places where one could create collages of things that inspire them or pique their interest. Upon further investigation and some help from lovely facebook friends, I've come to really enjoy Pinterest. Even more than Polyvore. It's more diverse. You can pin photos from more sites. I find myself using it more and more and really enjoying it. But at the start of using it, I kept seeing peoples great pictures and wondering how they happened to stumble across all of them! Which leads me to my next great find....
...STUMBLE UPON. Oh man. I could use this site all day. It's simple. Sign up (it's freeeee). Choose some interests from their list of topics. Click the "stumble" button. Basically it will shoot awesome sites at you based on the interests you've chosen. It's basically the bomb and I'm addicted. AND it's a great way to find random videos, pictures, and blogs that I wouldn't have found otherwise. It's grand. Check it out.
Let's talk about blogs baby! If you enjoy keeping up with blogs and have about a million of them bookmarked on your computer, let me introduce you to Bloglovin'. It's a wonderful little place to keep tabs on all your favorite blogs, no matter what domain they're from. It was so liberating when I was able to clean up my bookmarks by getting rid of all the blogs I had been keeping up with. Now they are all in one place where I can read them daily. It's pretty much great.
AND last but not least, whilst in my stumblings I came across a gem of a website called Craft Gawker. I'm a HUGE crafter (see other blog: Craftiness is Happiness. told ya.) so when I found this site it was like heaven to mine eyes. It's a collection of DIY and crafting projects from all types of websites and blogs. There are SO many great ideas and how to's that you can't help but be inspired and want to try most of them! And what's even better?? Maybe crafting isn't your thing but food is? Or weddings perhaps? Or maybe even interior design? There's a Gawker for that! In the top left corner of the craftgawker site there are links to foodgawker, dwellinggawker, and weddinggawker. Super totally cool awesomeness. basically.
So that's what I've been up to lately. I highly encourage you to check out all and any of these sites. And let me know if you enjoy them as much as I do! And not to worry, I do take breaks from my interweb explorations to join the real world. I'm not a hermit just yet.
But in my current online cravings I've come across some pretty sweet things!
The first site I found was Pinterest. Now at first glance I had trouble really seeing the different between Pinterest and Polyvore. Both seemed to be places where one could create collages of things that inspire them or pique their interest. Upon further investigation and some help from lovely facebook friends, I've come to really enjoy Pinterest. Even more than Polyvore. It's more diverse. You can pin photos from more sites. I find myself using it more and more and really enjoying it. But at the start of using it, I kept seeing peoples great pictures and wondering how they happened to stumble across all of them! Which leads me to my next great find....
...STUMBLE UPON. Oh man. I could use this site all day. It's simple. Sign up (it's freeeee). Choose some interests from their list of topics. Click the "stumble" button. Basically it will shoot awesome sites at you based on the interests you've chosen. It's basically the bomb and I'm addicted. AND it's a great way to find random videos, pictures, and blogs that I wouldn't have found otherwise. It's grand. Check it out.
Let's talk about blogs baby! If you enjoy keeping up with blogs and have about a million of them bookmarked on your computer, let me introduce you to Bloglovin'. It's a wonderful little place to keep tabs on all your favorite blogs, no matter what domain they're from. It was so liberating when I was able to clean up my bookmarks by getting rid of all the blogs I had been keeping up with. Now they are all in one place where I can read them daily. It's pretty much great.
AND last but not least, whilst in my stumblings I came across a gem of a website called Craft Gawker. I'm a HUGE crafter (see other blog: Craftiness is Happiness. told ya.) so when I found this site it was like heaven to mine eyes. It's a collection of DIY and crafting projects from all types of websites and blogs. There are SO many great ideas and how to's that you can't help but be inspired and want to try most of them! And what's even better?? Maybe crafting isn't your thing but food is? Or weddings perhaps? Or maybe even interior design? There's a Gawker for that! In the top left corner of the craftgawker site there are links to foodgawker, dwellinggawker, and weddinggawker. Super totally cool awesomeness. basically.
So that's what I've been up to lately. I highly encourage you to check out all and any of these sites. And let me know if you enjoy them as much as I do! And not to worry, I do take breaks from my interweb explorations to join the real world. I'm not a hermit just yet.
if you want to find me on Pinterest my account name is sarahashley13. :)
Stumble Upon
the best place on earth
or one of them anyways.
The Tree House.
That's right, I said the Tree House. Back in high school I ran track with this great guy, Geoff, who just happened to have a man-made tree house out in the woods. Now when I say tree house, it's not the Swiss Family Robinson type of tree house. Instead of being built in the trees, this cabin was built around the trees, more amongst them. What's even more impressive is that Geoff's dad and 2 brothers all built it themselves. Too cool.
Besides its architecture, it's very much like a Swiss Family Robinson home. There are 2 hammocks, both of which hang over ledges (one outside, one inside), a swing that goes over the deck, a catwalk over the main level room, and a crows nest at the very top with a balcony. The heavy wooden doors have submarine port holes for windows. The inside is decorated with ornate objects from the family's adventures around the country. Did I mention that the whole place has electricity?? So just in case taking in the nature isn't enough, you can curl up, listen to some music, or watch tv, while you pop some popcorn. No big deal. Oh and there's a pond as well, with a high dive AND a zip line, of course.
Can you see why I love this place so much??
My pictures can't even begin to do it justice but I wasn't sure that anyone would believe me otherwise. I'm so thankful to Geoff for sharing this place with me so many years ago and for letting me revisit it now. It's such a wonderful escape from real life. And it's so gorgeous in the winter time too. The wall sized windows behind the wood-burning stove just make for the perfect winter setting. It's perfect.
1. a view from the deck. look closely and you'll see the crows nest up above. 2. there's a creek that runs below the cabin...like its own little gorge. 3. Geoff swinging on the swing. 4. the deck. behind that picnic table is a hammock. 5. the sunset from the high dive. 6. the catwalk. 7.the view from above the first floor 8. brother Jer playing us some tunes next to the stove.
The Tree House.
That's right, I said the Tree House. Back in high school I ran track with this great guy, Geoff, who just happened to have a man-made tree house out in the woods. Now when I say tree house, it's not the Swiss Family Robinson type of tree house. Instead of being built in the trees, this cabin was built around the trees, more amongst them. What's even more impressive is that Geoff's dad and 2 brothers all built it themselves. Too cool.
Besides its architecture, it's very much like a Swiss Family Robinson home. There are 2 hammocks, both of which hang over ledges (one outside, one inside), a swing that goes over the deck, a catwalk over the main level room, and a crows nest at the very top with a balcony. The heavy wooden doors have submarine port holes for windows. The inside is decorated with ornate objects from the family's adventures around the country. Did I mention that the whole place has electricity?? So just in case taking in the nature isn't enough, you can curl up, listen to some music, or watch tv, while you pop some popcorn. No big deal. Oh and there's a pond as well, with a high dive AND a zip line, of course.
Can you see why I love this place so much??
My pictures can't even begin to do it justice but I wasn't sure that anyone would believe me otherwise. I'm so thankful to Geoff for sharing this place with me so many years ago and for letting me revisit it now. It's such a wonderful escape from real life. And it's so gorgeous in the winter time too. The wall sized windows behind the wood-burning stove just make for the perfect winter setting. It's perfect.
1. a view from the deck. look closely and you'll see the crows nest up above. 2. there's a creek that runs below the cabin...like its own little gorge. 3. Geoff swinging on the swing. 4. the deck. behind that picnic table is a hammock. 5. the sunset from the high dive. 6. the catwalk. 7.the view from above the first floor 8. brother Jer playing us some tunes next to the stove.
wits end
I'm at the end of my rope.
The 2 year old I nanny has done nothing but scream all day today.
There is no pleasing her.
Nothing I giver her is what she wants to eat. Nothing I say is what she wants to hear.
I can't win.
The screaming is unbearable.
I'm ready to rip my hair out.
It's that time of life. I look around and it seems as though every one of my friends is engaged and getting married. It's a pretty crazy time and I couldn't be happier for them. Especially my friends/room mates from college. They are some of the sweetest gals I know and it was so nice to see their relationships start and then flourish into marriages.
That being said, I can't help but feel a sadness when my only window into their special day is through facebook. In their pictures I see all of our friends, having laughs again, enjoying just being together. It's like our time in college all over again. Only this time I got left out. I've met the guys, swooned over the rings, talked wedding details, and still I'm left out.
I don't mean to sound like a selfish whiner and I'm not looking for any sort of apology. I would be more than understanding of their reasoning behind it. I guess most of my feeling this way has more to do with the fact that I clearly thought we were closer than we really are. It's not a happy feeling regardless. It kinda makes me wonder how many other friends of mine I'm not as close to.
I think I just needed to get that off my chest.
That being said, I can't help but feel a sadness when my only window into their special day is through facebook. In their pictures I see all of our friends, having laughs again, enjoying just being together. It's like our time in college all over again. Only this time I got left out. I've met the guys, swooned over the rings, talked wedding details, and still I'm left out.
I don't mean to sound like a selfish whiner and I'm not looking for any sort of apology. I would be more than understanding of their reasoning behind it. I guess most of my feeling this way has more to do with the fact that I clearly thought we were closer than we really are. It's not a happy feeling regardless. It kinda makes me wonder how many other friends of mine I'm not as close to.
I think I just needed to get that off my chest.
Those of you who know me, know that I am totally and utterly obsessed with ALL THINGS PUMPKIN. I don't really know how this love came about but I ain't complaining one bit. I love the smell of pumpkin, the taste of pumpkin, even the cute shape of pumpkins! (I told you I was obsessed)
Now with fall creeping up on us, my love of pumpkin is over-flowing. It's the one time of year where my adoration is validated and entirely encouraged! It's also the time when all the other pumpkin-heads out there (yes pumpkin-heads. I just made that up. Use it.) come out of hiding and spread their love too.
While surfing the blog world today I was catching up on one of my favorites and was excited to see that she too is a pumpkin lover. And not only that, but she shared a recipe that I will soon be trying. It looks so good that I just had to share it. SO, head over to Pushups with Polish and check out The Everything Cookie. I think it's safe to say that even if you don't worship pumpkin as we do, you will still like these cookies. And if cookies aren't your thing, it's a great blog! :)
Now with fall creeping up on us, my love of pumpkin is over-flowing. It's the one time of year where my adoration is validated and entirely encouraged! It's also the time when all the other pumpkin-heads out there (yes pumpkin-heads. I just made that up. Use it.) come out of hiding and spread their love too.

Pushups with Polish,
The Card
A weight has been lifted off my chest. Today, after a whole summers worth of working and effort, I finally paid off my credit card! It was my goal for the summer and it feels absolutely amazing to reach it. I feel free. Like this huge rock has been on top of me, holding me down, and now it's finally off. I can stand taller.
And what's even better is that I'm still working my third job so all the moneys I can there can now go into my savings account. More money in the savings account means more money to eventually move away and DO something with my degree and my life. And that's the real payoff; seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Feeling like all the work hasn't been for nothing.
It feels great. Simply wonderful.
And what's even better is that I'm still working my third job so all the moneys I can there can now go into my savings account. More money in the savings account means more money to eventually move away and DO something with my degree and my life. And that's the real payoff; seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Feeling like all the work hasn't been for nothing.
It feels great. Simply wonderful.
It's my norm. With male relationships anyway. And yes, it has everything to do with the relationship I had/have with my father. I guess to keep it short and sweet we'll just say that my dad was a good father, but he wasn't ever a great father. And it wasn't really a choice he made. He just didn't really know how. This caused for a great deal of bitterness on my part growing up. There was always something missing in our relationship, it never really clicked. Over the years it has gotten better, on both of our ends. I had to come to terms with the fact that I would probably never have my ideal father-daughter relationship, and to be ok with the relationship I did have.
Somewhere along the road though, I became comfortable in the dysfunction. It was what I was used to. With men anyway. And of course it started to play itself out in the guys I chose to date. Obviously at the time I had no idea it was happening, but I managed to get myself into "relationships" (I use the word loosely since not many of them can actually be called one) with guys who were either emotionally unavailable, not interested in the same kind of relationship as I was, or were great guys that had awful timing. Looking back now it's easy to see the red flags and road blocks in all of them. That's not to say that I've dated a string of bad guys. There have actually been some really great guys in the mix that I still consider wonderful friends, but at the time the situation just wasn't right for us. And it's not a matter of a lack of good guys being interested either. There have been close to perfect guys that for some reason, reasons I can't explain, I just haven't been interested in. It's frustrating. Sometimes I wish I could will myself to be into them, but I know that wouldn't be entirely fair to them. And the idea of pretending to like a guys just seems cruel to me.
So, now that I'm aware of the fact that I get myself in these impossible relationships, the big question is, How do I stop? How do I keep myself from being interested in the guys that aren't right for me or aren't interested in the same thing that I am? How do I avoid the guys that I know are covered in dysfunction.
I have no idea. Not a damn clue. I keep hoping that one of these days I will wake up and just have the answer, right there in front of me, ready to put to good use. So far that hasn't happened. And within the past year I do feel like I've gotten a little better and avoiding really bad fellows. But still.
I'm ready for someone great. And I don't want to miss out on that someone because I'm too busy trying to make things work with the wrong potential someone.
What a pickle. A big, dysfunctional pickle. Whatever that looks like...
Somewhere along the road though, I became comfortable in the dysfunction. It was what I was used to. With men anyway. And of course it started to play itself out in the guys I chose to date. Obviously at the time I had no idea it was happening, but I managed to get myself into "relationships" (I use the word loosely since not many of them can actually be called one) with guys who were either emotionally unavailable, not interested in the same kind of relationship as I was, or were great guys that had awful timing. Looking back now it's easy to see the red flags and road blocks in all of them. That's not to say that I've dated a string of bad guys. There have actually been some really great guys in the mix that I still consider wonderful friends, but at the time the situation just wasn't right for us. And it's not a matter of a lack of good guys being interested either. There have been close to perfect guys that for some reason, reasons I can't explain, I just haven't been interested in. It's frustrating. Sometimes I wish I could will myself to be into them, but I know that wouldn't be entirely fair to them. And the idea of pretending to like a guys just seems cruel to me.
So, now that I'm aware of the fact that I get myself in these impossible relationships, the big question is, How do I stop? How do I keep myself from being interested in the guys that aren't right for me or aren't interested in the same thing that I am? How do I avoid the guys that I know are covered in dysfunction.
I have no idea. Not a damn clue. I keep hoping that one of these days I will wake up and just have the answer, right there in front of me, ready to put to good use. So far that hasn't happened. And within the past year I do feel like I've gotten a little better and avoiding really bad fellows. But still.
I'm ready for someone great. And I don't want to miss out on that someone because I'm too busy trying to make things work with the wrong potential someone.
What a pickle. A big, dysfunctional pickle. Whatever that looks like...
a laborious weekend
What a crazy couple of days. My weekend was just as fun and busy as I had hoped it would be. The weddings I worked Saturday and Sunday were both all day events but I somehow managed to muster up the energy to still go out with my friends afterwards. There were many beers consumed, much dancing done, and little sleep had. {am I 21 again and didn't know it??}
And speaking of friends, I'm SO loving the people I'm surrounded by lately. I haven't felt this secure in my friendships in a long time. It's a truly wonderful feeling.
Labor day itself was the most labor-free day of the summer for me. It started out pretty strangely. Let's just say that having your friends mom find your underwear in the driveway is a situation that can only be laughed about. And no there isn't a salacious tale to back that up. Beyond that, it included an over-sized bean bag, a No Reservations Marathon, a great nap, and a chili cheeseburger. A pretty superb way to spend a day off, if you ask me.

And somehow I managed to get only 2 pictures from the weekend. On Sunday we didn't get much of a break for lunch/dinner, so we whipped up a huge salad bar for everyone to enjoy. The girls set up the salad options while the guys set the table on the porch for us all.
It was perfect.
We ate, we sat, we chatted. It was just what we all needed to prepare ourselves for the Jewish celebration we were about to be immersed in. {side note: if you've never been to a Jewish wedding, I highly recommend you attend one. It's quite the experience. And so much tradition.}
Overall, this past weekend was a great way to say goodbye to summer. Summer, that apparently left overnight.
Bring on the long sleeved shirts and clogs cuz here comes Fall!!
And speaking of friends, I'm SO loving the people I'm surrounded by lately. I haven't felt this secure in my friendships in a long time. It's a truly wonderful feeling.
Labor day itself was the most labor-free day of the summer for me. It started out pretty strangely. Let's just say that having your friends mom find your underwear in the driveway is a situation that can only be laughed about. And no there isn't a salacious tale to back that up. Beyond that, it included an over-sized bean bag, a No Reservations Marathon, a great nap, and a chili cheeseburger. A pretty superb way to spend a day off, if you ask me.

It was perfect.
We ate, we sat, we chatted. It was just what we all needed to prepare ourselves for the Jewish celebration we were about to be immersed in. {side note: if you've never been to a Jewish wedding, I highly recommend you attend one. It's quite the experience. And so much tradition.}
Overall, this past weekend was a great way to say goodbye to summer. Summer, that apparently left overnight.
Bring on the long sleeved shirts and clogs cuz here comes Fall!!
this weekend
Isn't he just the cutest! |
Saturday and Sunday will consist of working 2 weddings at the hotel. The bright side? I don't have to go into work until 10am! Sleeping in here I come!! I don't remember the last time I didn't have to be at work by 8 or earlier. Let's just hope that my internal alarm clock gets the memo as well.
And that brings us to Monday, Labor Day. I planned ahead for this day. Knowing that the folks I nanny for would have the day off as well, I took the day off from Joanns (my 3rd job), therefore giving me 1 WHOLE DAY OFF!! I get giddy just thinking about it. I haven't had a full day off in over a month. I can't wait. I thoroughly intend on sleeping in and when I do wake up will commence in some day drinking. It's bound to be a good time. I honestly can not wait!
There's also 1 of my 3 fantasy football drafts in there somewhere.
Needless to say, it will definitely be an eventful weekend and I hope to have a plethora of pictures to show for it.
So, in conclusion, every one be safe and try not to labor too much! I know that will be my plan of action!
Favorite Things
It's been a looooooong time so here goes nothing:
- Black Olives-I can not get enough of them lately!!
- Cooler weather
- Having a bedroom again
- Reaching a goal
- Corn on the Cob
- Football Season being around the corner
- Sims on facebook (I'm addicted)
- Making CD's for my car
- Friends coming home to visit
- Finding out that some of my favorite people are PREGNANT!!!
To: My Future Pants Wearer
Just to warn you, I've been known to intimidate guys. I really have no idea why. Maybe it's because I'm not afraid to speak up, maybe it's the fact that I can choke most guys out, who knows. Regardless though, I'm gonna need you to put your man pants on when it comes to me. If you're gonna be my man I need you to be just that, a MAN. Put me in my place when it needs to be done, don't be afraid of me, take charge of certain situations, and don't let me run the show all the time. I don't think this is too much to ask.
Ever Yours,
p.s. if you've already known me to this point, this letter isn't news to you. :)
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