Everyone needs a Monday Morning pick-me-up. I usually turn to music for this. Today it's September by Earth Wind and Fire. How can anyone NOT love this song?? I can't help but groove as soon as the intro starts. The words are almost impossible to comprehend but that never stops me from muttering along with how they sound. I love this song and I hope it can bring you a little happy as you go head-to-head with the Monday Madness!
my favorite things
some of my favorite things lately:
- getting back into cross-stitching
- reading the number 141 on my scale (that's right, no shame in my game!!)
- my planner
- blue skies and sunshine
- Skyping with Peace Sign
Peace Sign,
ain't life funny
My full time job is being a nanny for a local family. While I'm here during the day I take care of the kids as well as do light housework like laundry and dishes. This whole week I've been a cleaning machine for some reason; doing at least 3 loads of laundry a day and cleaning the floors and doing 2 loads of dishes some times. Yesterday it all started to get to me. I got a little annoyed with the fact that every day I was having to do the same exact things because overnight all my hard work was erased. I talked to my mom and vented about it a little bit just to get it out of my system. Afterwards I wasn't exactly at peace about it but I didn't feel so frustrated.
Today, while I was cleaning up from lunch, I got a text from the mother of the kids saying "Hey Sarah thx for all your help with the house lately! we really really appreciate it!" I immediately thought of how ironic it was that just yesterday I was venting about it and then today the mom thanked me. All my hard work was worth it for that text alone. I couldn't help but think about how funny life can be. How timing is everything. How when you're in that moment of total frustration it's so hard to look at the big picture and you never know what the next day will bring. And just because you don't think people notice your actions and efforts, doesn't mean they go unseen.
DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! It probably isn't worth it!
Today, while I was cleaning up from lunch, I got a text from the mother of the kids saying "Hey Sarah thx for all your help with the house lately! we really really appreciate it!" I immediately thought of how ironic it was that just yesterday I was venting about it and then today the mom thanked me. All my hard work was worth it for that text alone. I couldn't help but think about how funny life can be. How timing is everything. How when you're in that moment of total frustration it's so hard to look at the big picture and you never know what the next day will bring. And just because you don't think people notice your actions and efforts, doesn't mean they go unseen.
DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! It probably isn't worth it!
okay is alright with me
Since last April I've been technically single. Sure I've seen a few guys here and there but nothing substantial came out of it. For years, especially when I was a teenager, singledom was a terrible and lonely thing. I dreaded it. I dated the wrong guys and settled for less just so I didn't have to be a single person. But this time has been different. I'm single and it's okay. I'm okay. Sure sometimes I think it would be nice to have a significant person in my life, but I don't feel desperate to find one. I don't feel like I need someone. I finally feel like being with someone does not define who I am or what I can do with my life. It's my life. I can do as I please and see where my life goes. It's empowering to feel good about it too. If I could rub some of my okay-ness on John Deere I would. It's okay to be single. It's not scary or terrible. It gives you the time to find things that you like to do, spend time with people who care about you, and nourish your relationship with yourself. While I'm sure that someday I'll meet someone wonderful, it's nice to not feel stressed or worried about it. It'll happen when it happens and until then, I'm going to enjoy my time and do me!
[side note: okay is alright with me is a wonderful song by Eric Hutchinson. you should probably check it out!]
[side note: okay is alright with me is a wonderful song by Eric Hutchinson. you should probably check it out!]
being okay,
Eric Hutchinson,
John Deere,
who cares?
The other day I was talking with my mom about a friend of mine, whom we will refer to as Lambo. I've known Lambo for 11 years now so it's been troubling me to see him be unhappy lately. He's come out of a bad relationship and seems to be lost. He worries me. I don't think he's a danger to himself or anything but I just want him to find his happy and get back to his normal self. I have continued to worry and reach out to him and as I was telling my mom about it she stopped me and said "leave him alone". I haven't been pushy or anything but the point she is trying to make is that I can't do anything for him. He needs to figure it out for himself, even if he makes a wrong choice along the way. I found myself arguing with her immediately. It was as if she was saying "Sarah, don't care so much about Lambo or the decisions he makes". Is really that what I need to do? Stop caring so much about him? Or stop showing him that I care? I have trouble with this. I feel like part of me just wants to show him that he isn't alone, but I also hope that he already knows that.
Beyond Lambo, should this be an approach I take to my other friends too. If I worry about them, should I just start keeping it to myself? Now, none of my friends are suicidal or at serious harm; obviously if that were the case I wouldn't be discussing it here and not with them. For example, my friend Rum Runner likes to drag race and do silly dangerous things. Obviously it's nothing to lose sleep over but I still worry a little about him. At the end of the day, I don't want to be that friend that's like having a second mother around but I also don't want to be absent from a friend in need. It's a hard line to walk.
So, I guess for now I will leave Lambo be and if he needs to talk he knows how to get a hold of me. And Lambo, if you're reading this, just know that I want what's best for you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. And I adore you!
Beyond Lambo, should this be an approach I take to my other friends too. If I worry about them, should I just start keeping it to myself? Now, none of my friends are suicidal or at serious harm; obviously if that were the case I wouldn't be discussing it here and not with them. For example, my friend Rum Runner likes to drag race and do silly dangerous things. Obviously it's nothing to lose sleep over but I still worry a little about him. At the end of the day, I don't want to be that friend that's like having a second mother around but I also don't want to be absent from a friend in need. It's a hard line to walk.
So, I guess for now I will leave Lambo be and if he needs to talk he knows how to get a hold of me. And Lambo, if you're reading this, just know that I want what's best for you and you deserve all the happiness in the world. And I adore you!
To: My Discoverer
Now, since I'm still figuring out what kind of girl I am, and because I don't want to make it too easy for you, I've been thinking a lot lately about what kind of girl I'm not. So here goes nothing:
I'm not a country music fan.
I'm not the girl who will whine about being fat when I'm not.
I'm not meek or mild.
Well, that's what I've got for now. I don't know if some of these will change by the time we meet but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I'm not the girl who refuses to dedicate Sunday afternoons, Monday nights, and the occasional Thursday evening to football.
I will not need to cry on your shoulder every time.
I'm not the girl who needs to wear makeup to go to the gym. Nor am I the girl who uses 5lb weights and never sweats.
I would never keep you from a guy's night.
I'm not afraid to get dirty.
I'm not the girl who needs to get wasted to have a good time.
I'm not a coffee drinker.
I won't need to know where you are all the time.
I'm not the girl who won't eat a full meal in front of you (or anyone else for that matter)!
I'm not a liar.
I'm not the girl who plays head games or will leave you guessing.
I'm not the girl who needs to be with you every second of every day...but I might want to.
I'm not a cat person.I'm not a country music fan.
I'm not the girl who will whine about being fat when I'm not.
I'm not meek or mild.
Well, that's what I've got for now. I don't know if some of these will change by the time we meet but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Love Always,
Your Uncharted Territory
my favorite things
Here are some of my favorite things lately:
- my public library
- Skype dates
- finding new and exciting blogs
- a hot bath
- snuggling with the kids I nanny
- yummy cookies!
just sayin'
Because my body decided to catch a cold yesterday(I had no say in the matter) I had nothing better to do but knit and watch movies. I caught the middle of "The Mask of Zorro" and decided to watch the rest of it.I had an observation after watching this part of the movie.
Obviously Catherine Zeta Jone and Antonio Banderas are sexy people but GOOD LORD! If this clip isn't proof that they should have left their less attractive spouses and procreated then I don't know what is. Enjoy!
Obviously Catherine Zeta Jone and Antonio Banderas are sexy people but GOOD LORD! If this clip isn't proof that they should have left their less attractive spouses and procreated then I don't know what is. Enjoy!
this town
I miss the sun on my face
Warm wind in my hair
Sand stuck to my feet
Not having a care
My life here is dry
It’s as cold as the night
I can’t seem to thrive
I can’t seem to fight
I feel my heart wanting
To just pack up and go
It’s calling me ever
So quietly so
To some other place
Full of culture and joy
A place to plants roots
Who knows? Meet a boy?
But I stay where I am
No I can’t up and flee
I just hope that this place
Won’t suck the life out of me
happy song
I am a HUGE fan of music and the power it has to change a persons mood. Whenever I am down and need a pick-me-up I have a selection of songs that will immediately put me in a better mood and change my day. Below is one such song. I have been a fan of Rusted Root for a long time now but somehow this song never effected me like it did this past summer. While out adventuring with Green Goodness one night this song came on and spontaneous dancing commenced(as it usually does with she and I). We were unstoppable. If the song had never ended I'm sure we would have danced forever.
If you're having a blue Friday(which I'm not sure is possible), I hope you can enjoy this song as much as I do. Let it move you however it chooses.
And smile.
Green Goodness,
happy song,
Rusted Root
"Reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books."
That is from page 53 of the book I finished last night, "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. I know the title is lengthy but don't let that deter you. I heard about this book from another blog I follow. I didn't have a clue what it was about but I went to the library and brought it home, without ever reading a synopsis. In a little over 24 hours I had finished the book! I don't think I've ever done that in my adult life.
The thing that made it so easy to read, for me at least, was that the whole book is written as a collection of letters to and from the characters. It made the flow of reading so effortless and enjoyable. It also inspires me to write letters! Why did we ever stop writing letters?? Curse you technology!!! okay, I fell better now.
The characters are so endearing and lovely. I became so invested in their lives, even though they are fictional. The non-fiction part of the book is the history and time-frame. This story is set in a post-WWII England and talks a lot about how the Nazi regime effected the Channel Islands. As factual as these parts are, the book still keeps an upbeat pace that won't depress you.
I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I suggest you read it! I could go on for hours but I will spare you all. If you do read it I would love to know what you think. I'm really quite open to others opinions and views.
Enjoy xoxo
The thing that made it so easy to read, for me at least, was that the whole book is written as a collection of letters to and from the characters. It made the flow of reading so effortless and enjoyable. It also inspires me to write letters! Why did we ever stop writing letters?? Curse you technology!!! okay, I fell better now.
The characters are so endearing and lovely. I became so invested in their lives, even though they are fictional. The non-fiction part of the book is the history and time-frame. This story is set in a post-WWII England and talks a lot about how the Nazi regime effected the Channel Islands. As factual as these parts are, the book still keeps an upbeat pace that won't depress you.
I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I suggest you read it! I could go on for hours but I will spare you all. If you do read it I would love to know what you think. I'm really quite open to others opinions and views.
Enjoy xoxo
being a reader
For a few months now I have been wanting to get into reading. My sister was always the reader. She had a huge collection of books and at one point even wanted to be a librarian (thank goodness she came around and chose physical therapy for a career). I was always more hands on and go-out-and-do. Nowadays I'm still pretty hands on but I would like to read more. Not just blogs and magazines but actual hard books! Now, I don't like the idea of resolutions because they usually end up being broken so instead I will call it a good old fashioned GOAL! My goal is to be someone who reads!
For Christmas I was gifted some money that I received before the holidays so naturally I used it to buy other gifts. My father and Grandfather enjoy books so I made my way to Walden books for gifts. While I was there, with Peace Sign actually, I decided that I would purchase a book for myself as well, to ignite my goal! I chose "Eat, Pray, Love" after hearing such great things about it (and no I have NOT seen the movie yet). As I was checking out the woman at the register said "did you know that all our books are buy 4 get 1 free?" At first this didn't interest me but I had a quick shift in thinking. Why get one book for myself when I could get three?! So back into the stacks I went. I took me a while to really find things I knew I could commit to reading but I did.
I wasn't able to start any until after the holidays so when I decided that it was time to begin my goal I chose the lighter of the books I bought.
Chelsea Handlers books are the best. I have adored her as a comedian and love her show on E! so when she started writing books I was all about it. I used my opportune moment at the bookstore to buy her third book that I hadn't read yet. It was a great starter book to warm me up.
Unlike her first two books, "Chelsea Chelsea, Bang Bang" isn't focused on her sexual escapades and mishaps. It's more a collection of stories from her childhood up to the last year. A lot of which involve her now ex-boyfriend Ted, who is also the CEO at E!, and her quirky family. It's as though you were sitting across the living listening to Chelsea tell the stories to you personally. There are even a few candid photos that certainly enhance the stories.
I know it's not a Pulitzer Prize nominee but if you want an easy and very entertaining read I highly suggest this book. It will literally have you laughing out loud so try not to read it in a library or any other place that requires your silence. If you have read it, spread the word. If you haven't read it, try and get your hands on it and let me know what you think. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
happy reading! xoxo
For Christmas I was gifted some money that I received before the holidays so naturally I used it to buy other gifts. My father and Grandfather enjoy books so I made my way to Walden books for gifts. While I was there, with Peace Sign actually, I decided that I would purchase a book for myself as well, to ignite my goal! I chose "Eat, Pray, Love" after hearing such great things about it (and no I have NOT seen the movie yet). As I was checking out the woman at the register said "did you know that all our books are buy 4 get 1 free?" At first this didn't interest me but I had a quick shift in thinking. Why get one book for myself when I could get three?! So back into the stacks I went. I took me a while to really find things I knew I could commit to reading but I did.
I wasn't able to start any until after the holidays so when I decided that it was time to begin my goal I chose the lighter of the books I bought.
Chelsea Handlers books are the best. I have adored her as a comedian and love her show on E! so when she started writing books I was all about it. I used my opportune moment at the bookstore to buy her third book that I hadn't read yet. It was a great starter book to warm me up.
Unlike her first two books, "Chelsea Chelsea, Bang Bang" isn't focused on her sexual escapades and mishaps. It's more a collection of stories from her childhood up to the last year. A lot of which involve her now ex-boyfriend Ted, who is also the CEO at E!, and her quirky family. It's as though you were sitting across the living listening to Chelsea tell the stories to you personally. There are even a few candid photos that certainly enhance the stories.
I know it's not a Pulitzer Prize nominee but if you want an easy and very entertaining read I highly suggest this book. It will literally have you laughing out loud so try not to read it in a library or any other place that requires your silence. If you have read it, spread the word. If you haven't read it, try and get your hands on it and let me know what you think. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
happy reading! xoxo
I've been thinking very much lately about how I let people influence me. Some in good ways, some in bad. I tend to be easily influenced which is something I'm just now admitting out loud.{epiphany}
While in my sophomore year in college I met a girl (who for all intensive purposes we will call, Jezebel). Jezebel was the type of girl who is magnetic. She never had a shortage of friends who wanted to be around her or men who were interested in her. It was almost like a spell she put on people. I was one such person. I wanted to be her friend and her to be mine. And that's exactly what happened. For the next 4 years we were almost inseparable. We had our tiffs like people do but managed to get over them. She knew all my little quirks and "isms" and, as cliche as it sounds, we actually did finish each others sentences. Well, things didn't quite work out for Jezebel and I. True colors were shown and they were not colors I liked. Now I look back at those years with a new perspective. I think about the things I did or changed about myself because of being friends with Jezebel. More of them bad than good. I'm not proud of it.
On the other side of the coin, there are my friends who influence me in the best of ways. First I'll talk about one of my oldest friends, who we will call Peace Sign. Peace Sign and I have known each other since 8th grade and are closer than ever. There is no one in my life that I giggle more with. It can't even be helped. Just being around her fills me with joy and love and any hard exterior I have up immediately sheds itself. I can be my silliest, most innocent self with her. Peace Sign is contagious in her unwavering belief in true love. For a long time I didn't really think that being in love really existed but she makes me feel that it is out there and it's attainable! She's a wonderful influence and I love her dearly.
Secondly, I will talk about a friend who I haven't known for very long but am clearly a kindred spirit with. We will call her Green Goodness. I don't know if I can put Green Goodness into words for anyone to really grasp her effect on people. She emits the kind of good vibes that can fuel an acre of wind turbines! When we are together I suddenly feel like I can change the world in a day. It's the strangest thing and it's slightly addictive. She is one of the most genuinely nice and good people I know. Like with Peace Sign, whenever I'm hanging out with Green Goodness I feel like my truest self. I don't have to change who I am or pretend to be someone I'm not. It's joy and happiness in it's purest form. I adore her and our times together.
I think everyone has their own Jezebel at some point their life. It's hard to realize it in the moment, but if you do part ways with him/her take a look back at your time together. Learn from the experience and you will know how to avoid him/her in the future, or at least keep them at arms distance. On a happy note, there are people like Peace Sign and Green Goodness out there and they are SO worth your time and love. When you find them, nurture and cherish them and never be afraid to tell them about their great influence on you.
While in my sophomore year in college I met a girl (who for all intensive purposes we will call, Jezebel). Jezebel was the type of girl who is magnetic. She never had a shortage of friends who wanted to be around her or men who were interested in her. It was almost like a spell she put on people. I was one such person. I wanted to be her friend and her to be mine. And that's exactly what happened. For the next 4 years we were almost inseparable. We had our tiffs like people do but managed to get over them. She knew all my little quirks and "isms" and, as cliche as it sounds, we actually did finish each others sentences. Well, things didn't quite work out for Jezebel and I. True colors were shown and they were not colors I liked. Now I look back at those years with a new perspective. I think about the things I did or changed about myself because of being friends with Jezebel. More of them bad than good. I'm not proud of it.
On the other side of the coin, there are my friends who influence me in the best of ways. First I'll talk about one of my oldest friends, who we will call Peace Sign. Peace Sign and I have known each other since 8th grade and are closer than ever. There is no one in my life that I giggle more with. It can't even be helped. Just being around her fills me with joy and love and any hard exterior I have up immediately sheds itself. I can be my silliest, most innocent self with her. Peace Sign is contagious in her unwavering belief in true love. For a long time I didn't really think that being in love really existed but she makes me feel that it is out there and it's attainable! She's a wonderful influence and I love her dearly.
Secondly, I will talk about a friend who I haven't known for very long but am clearly a kindred spirit with. We will call her Green Goodness. I don't know if I can put Green Goodness into words for anyone to really grasp her effect on people. She emits the kind of good vibes that can fuel an acre of wind turbines! When we are together I suddenly feel like I can change the world in a day. It's the strangest thing and it's slightly addictive. She is one of the most genuinely nice and good people I know. Like with Peace Sign, whenever I'm hanging out with Green Goodness I feel like my truest self. I don't have to change who I am or pretend to be someone I'm not. It's joy and happiness in it's purest form. I adore her and our times together.
I think everyone has their own Jezebel at some point their life. It's hard to realize it in the moment, but if you do part ways with him/her take a look back at your time together. Learn from the experience and you will know how to avoid him/her in the future, or at least keep them at arms distance. On a happy note, there are people like Peace Sign and Green Goodness out there and they are SO worth your time and love. When you find them, nurture and cherish them and never be afraid to tell them about their great influence on you.
Green Goodness,
Peace Sign
To: My future Mr.
Dear Future Mr.
I think about you from time to time. Not stressfully or in any great search. Just now and then I wonder what you're doing. Are you across town or across the country? Do I already know you or are we yet to meet? Maybe you're loving someone right now. Maybe you're waiting for me. Maybe we'll cross paths and not even know it. Regardless just know that I do look forward to our life together someday and I can't wait to share everything with you. Well, I can wait, but....you know what I mean.
I think about you from time to time. Not stressfully or in any great search. Just now and then I wonder what you're doing. Are you across town or across the country? Do I already know you or are we yet to meet? Maybe you're loving someone right now. Maybe you're waiting for me. Maybe we'll cross paths and not even know it. Regardless just know that I do look forward to our life together someday and I can't wait to share everything with you. Well, I can wait, but....you know what I mean.
Someday Yours,
I own a watch but I rarely wear it
I don't want to have children yet but I want to be a young mother
I don't like nuts but I love snickers bars
I don't want to live in Falconer forever but I would for the the right person
My feet are a size 9 but I'm only 5'4"
I believe in second chances but not thirds and fourths
No one can tell me when I'm wrong but sometimes I am
I'm not a virgin but I've never made love
Vanilla ice cream is my favorite but I make an exception for Ben and Jerry's Fish Food
I'm loud and outspoken but I keep so much more inside
I don't want to get fat but I look forward to being pregnant...someday
I can be in the worst mood imaginable but a great song can change my day
I hate being cold but I love needing to wrap up in a blanket
So I'm a bundle of contradictions. I think sorting them out is part of growing up and figuring out who I am. Some things will change, some things won't. the Joy is in the Journey
About a Girl,
ice cream,
social networking-1, romance-0
I don't know if it's my age, the way I was raised, or just where I am in my life, but lately I am entirely over the idea of people hiding behind things like facebook, IM, and text. In particular, people who are romantically interested in someone. With the invention of these networking devices it became easy for people to not have face-to-face interactions and hide behind their computer. Now I'm not trying to point any fingers because I've done it too. But I find myself being more annoyed by it now.A couple months ago the strangest thing happened. It seemed like once a week a guy came out of the wood work and was interested in ME (weird in the first place because I wasn't really putting myself out there. at all). Now of course all this attention was flattering and part of me enjoyed it but I couldn't help being bothered by the fact that ALL of them went about their "smooth moves" on facebook! One of them is someone I see on a fairly regular basis whom I've know for years. Since I moved home whenever we were around each other, he wouldn't even speak to me! Now, knowing him, I do know that he is a very shy guy but still, how are you going to talk to my mom (who was next to me!) and not say hello and then send me a facebook message overflowing with your emotions. I'm not Medusa! You will NOT turn into stone if you look at my eyes!
I can recall two other times where something similar happened, only those two skipped the message all together and used chat or just posted their number on my wall! All I can do is wonder: Is this how relationships are started now? Am I going to start my next relationship with my computer and not a person? I don't think I'm okay with that. I think people should have the guts to look someone in the eye and ask them a question. "Will you go out with me sometime? Can I call you? Will you be my significant other?" I can't remember the last time I HEARD any of those questions and I don't think I'm the only one.
When did rejection become something so terrifying that people can't just talk to each other? The worst answer one can get is a "no". So what! It's really not the end of the world. I intend on being more present and enjoying peoples faces more; hearing voices more. Try it! It can only enrich the relationships you have.
I can recall two other times where something similar happened, only those two skipped the message all together and used chat or just posted their number on my wall! All I can do is wonder: Is this how relationships are started now? Am I going to start my next relationship with my computer and not a person? I don't think I'm okay with that. I think people should have the guts to look someone in the eye and ask them a question. "Will you go out with me sometime? Can I call you? Will you be my significant other?" I can't remember the last time I HEARD any of those questions and I don't think I'm the only one.
When did rejection become something so terrifying that people can't just talk to each other? The worst answer one can get is a "no". So what! It's really not the end of the world. I intend on being more present and enjoying peoples faces more; hearing voices more. Try it! It can only enrich the relationships you have.
my favorite things
- N.E.R.D. radio on pandora
- Natalie Portman
- My clean bedding
- Purple colored things
- Talk to the Hand, Hand Lotion (by mark)
- the NFL playoffs
much love xoxo
Natalie Portman,
Russian Navy
![]() |
check out this and other colors! |
![]() |
please excuse the dry hands. Working at Joanns dries a girl out! |
Most importantly, it was nice to take some time to sit and rest and do something nice for me. I think it's essential for people to take some "me time" and do something they want and not necessarily need. I highly recommend finding your "me thing" and enjoy it guiltlessly! (yes i know that's not a real word)
Much Love xoxo
me thing,
nail polish,
Russian Navy
a drive with a view
As I drove to work the other day I happened to look out my passenger window and this was greeting me. I knew I had to stop and take a picture but more importantly, take a moment. I drive up and down this road 5 days a week and and rarely take the time to look around. Clearly I've been missing out.
Take the time to stop and look around. You never know what you might have been missing all this time on your drive through life. Could be a person or just a really great view. Regardless, I don't think you'll regret it.
Take the time to stop and look around. You never know what you might have been missing all this time on your drive through life. Could be a person or just a really great view. Regardless, I don't think you'll regret it.
Love Bomb
I've had this song stuck in my head for a few days now. It's by N.E.R.D. from their album Seeing Sounds. The whole album is great and I highly suggest it if you like their music. There's something about the imagery of a love bomb that I enjoy very much. I think I would much rather be bombed with love over anything else. On the same token I'd rather bomb others with love than with, say, body odor or curse words or judgment.
"Don't need another love song, we need a love bomb"
snow snow snow
As much as part of me absolutely hates the inconvenience the snow brings, there is a tiny part, buried deep, that loves being inside and watching huge snow clumps fall from the sky. It's like a movie. If you have never seen snow, I suggest you plan to at some point. It's cold and wet and makes driving difficult, but it's beautiful in it's own way.
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